The cost of staying at Morro Negrito is $110 per day/per person. If you stay for 3 days or more, we will reduce the cost to a $90 per day/per person. Children 10 years and younger are free of charge. Our package includes:
- Beachfront island lodgning.
- 3 delicious meals a day.
- Daily boat trips to the best waves of the day.
- Wireless internet (eating area).
- Transportation from mainland port to island.
We are geared towards surfing and we have been around longer than any other surf camp in Panama. We know what it takes to give you the best panama surf trip possible. Send us a message through our Contact Form to make a reservation
Daily boat trips

No Crowds

Private Waterfalls

Yoga Deck

World Class Fishing

Private Island/Beaches

3 Meals a day

Wireless Internet

Island Sunset